There are three ways to get around in Denmark: walk, bike, or drive.
If you have ever been to Denmark, you know that biking is one of the most popular modes of transportation, and the Danes take it seriously. In America, pedestrians have the right of way. In Denmark, I don’t think we have any. The bikers have their own lane and their own stop lights. It’s actually very impressive. My biking skills are fair, but my navigation skills, especially in a new country, can not keep up with the natives here. So long story short, I have been walking everywhere! It’s been a great way to soak up the culture and find some great little shops.
Today was chapter two of the search for the hidden phone place. I trekked across the city, and found the place with no problem. I went in and asked for a phone and she said I was lucky, that they had one left. It turns out that the one phone they had didn’t work. I asked her what I should do, and she said to go to the other location. I was there yesterday, if you don’t recall, and all I could find was a parking structure. Apparently their other office is IN the parking structure. At least it was a nice walk.
In class today our professor told us that we were all very lucky to have this beautiful weather. There is only 1-2 weeks like this every year. Today we began to did into Viking Mythology and religion. I knew some general points on this subject, but it is very interesting. Learning about Odin, Thor, Loki, and all of the other Gods. Every day continues to get more interesting.
Post-class it was time to shop! I went wandering around the town, and currently Denmark is in the middle of their Jazz fest. One the way to the shopping district, we stumbled upon a small jazz marching band. They were fantastic! Every corner we turned there was more music.
Rounding out the day with a large Danish ice cream was a sweet end to a jam packed day. The ice cream guy recommended a large honey-almond and strawberry ice cream cone. It was delicious!
I think I walked about 10 miles today, and I am kicking myself for not bringing a pedometer to properly document all of my foreign foot steps.